We all say that we want a happy life, yet somehow, very few people make an effort to achieve the happiness they desire. The concept of happiness may defer from one person to another; therefore, the ways to achieve could defer as well. But there’s one constant in the journey of a happy and positive life: identifying and eliminating toxic people.
Identifying toxic people could be a little tricky since they are extremely skilled in emotional manipulation. That’s why it is much more harder to write them off compared to others.
Here are 5 distinctive characteristics you can look for while identifying toxic people:
Every relationship is based on give-and-take routines. Sometimes it’s your turn to give something for the person you care about either to show your respect or your affections. It may be just a jacket because it’s cold or your time even though you have a deadline. Making such sacrifices, regardless of big or small, is a way of showing someone how much you care about them. If you are the only one making sacrifices in a relationship, there is something wrong there!
Failure is an inevitable part of life. I believe there would be no joy in success if it wasn’t for the failures. Even though all our failures make us stronger, we still tend to be affected by the opinions and comments of people around us. Criticism can be as helpful as a motivational speech, but there’s a thin line between constructive and destructive criticism. If a you feel less of yourself after a conversation, you gotta get rid of that person ASAP!
We all hurt each other and sadly, we don’t even recognize it most of the time. The key here is to understand the intentions beneath the words or actions. Talk to the person that hurt you and observe their reactions. A normal person wouldn’t hurt you willingly so they would be surprised when you tell them that you felt hurt because of what they did or said. If not, you got a toxic person there!
There’s a huge difference between envy and jealousy. An envious person may want to have what you have but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they would wish you wouldn’t. A jealous person, however; would see everything as a competition, so they would want to have it all whereas you would have nothing. They could never be happy with your success. A person who finds joy in your failure does not deserve to be a part of your life!
It is not always easy to feel happy but we should take our time to enjoy every tiny bit of happiness in order to keep the positivity alive. We all have stressful lives in our own ways, so we feel the need to recharge with our loved ones. Every caring person would try to help you feel better whenever you are feeling down. Toxic people, however, enjoy the negativity you’re feeling and they would say or do anything they can to spread that negativity even further!
A happy life is a result of a chain reaction starting with identify the obstacles and working to eliminate them. It doesn’t matter if a toxic person is a family member, partner, friend or a colleague, there’s no option other than getting rid of them. If you ever feel powerless to remove those people from your life, remember what Rumi said; “Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?”